
Making Lauderhill the #1 city in the USA.
The friendliest city for seniors.
The city that provides opportunity for
youths and all residents.
The city for sports, culture and diversity.
A Voice For The People
Encourage more dialogue between city
and residents.
Make city meetings friendlier.
Support town hall meetings.
Leisure and Recreation
Promote sports, recreational and cultural
activities for youth and seniors.
Development of Park and recreational centers.
Work with county to provide multi-use of
regional parks while maintaining existing programs.
Economic Development
Keep businesses from leaving the city and
encourage, facilitate new businesses.
Promote and assist business through the
Lauderhill Chamber of Commerce
Support the Lauderhill police and ensure
they have the proper tool and resources to
keep our family safe.
Promote neighborhood crime prevention programs.
Encourage relationship between police and residents.